Hey Guys!
I'm back with the second part of our new years series. Can you believe it's almost 2014!? 2013 went by so fast. No worries let us welcome 2014 with lots of happiness and joy. And of course in style! I'm super excited for 2014. I hope you have an amazing one.
New years for me all about dancing and spending the last night of the year with your family and having a jolly time. During this time we need to keep our clothes comfy and stylish at the same time. How do we do that? Pick a dress in a solid colour, as i have in black. Pair it with a very different coloured blazer or jacket. Always remember to add a statement piece to catch others eyes. Another tip for all you dance-o-holics out there, please please remember to carry a pair of separate flats if you plan on wearing high heels, save your feet the torture! I seriously love this outfit and plan on wearing it this new years.
Outfit Details:
Olive green jacket - Thrifted
Black maxi - Forever 21
Black bow open toe wedges - Tresmode
Black and gold necklace - Thrifted (Colaba Causeway)
Rings - Thrifted (various)
I hope this helps you all tweet us your photos at @becauseunicorns and @gunjanrathore. Keep in touch with us through our Facebook page (like and share please!) or email us at sistermash@gmail.com.